
Terms Of Service

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions govern the use of any The Purer Insurer site(s). By using such site(s), you agree to each of these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please do not continue your use of, and/or access to, this or any other site of The Purer Insurer Insurance Group.

The Purer Insurer Insurance Group with eagle icon and Citizens Insurance are trademarks of The Purer Insurer Insurance Group, Inc. The Purer Insurer may also claim trademark, service mark, and/or other proprietary right(s) in or to other names, tag lines, marks, images, symbols, logos and icons contained or displayed in this site. Any unauthorized use of such marks, images, symbols, logos, or icons may violate copyright, trademark, and/or other laws, statutes, codes or regulations.

The Purer Insurer maintains all copyrights relating to this site. The Purer Insurer copyrights or has licensed copyrighted works from others. Any copying, reproduction, distribution, modification, reuse, transmission, reposting or other use of the content of this site, or any portion hereof, for any purpose, including without limitation any text, video, audio, or images contained in this site in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without first obtaining written permission from The Purer Insurer is prohibited. You may request written permission from our corporate marketing department at email info@purerinsurer.com.

References made throughout this site to “The Purer Insurer” refer to a group of companies which are subsidiaries and/or affiliates of The Purer Insurer. Not all of the companies that make up the group entitled The The Purer Insurer are licensed in every jurisdiction. Not all products or services are available in every jurisdiction.

The information contained in this site is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any insurance product or security. The Purer Insurer its subsidiaries and affiliates will not sell their products where it is unlawful under the insurance laws or other laws of any jurisdiction.

The site and all content contained herein is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. The Purer Insurer does not warrant or represent that either this site or the server by which the site is made available is or will be free from harmful or damaging components, including without limitation viruses or disabling devices, nor does The Purer Insurer warrant or make any representation concerning the use of materials on this site, or the results of such use, whether in terms of the reliability, accuracy, or the correctness thereof, or otherwise, The Purer Insurer represents no warrants that the use of the materials displayed on this site will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with The Purer Insurer. The Purer Insurer does not warrant or represent that this site is or will be free from inaccuracy, defect, error or interruption, or that the foregoing, if any, will be corrected.

The Purer Insurer shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any damages, claims, losses or expenses, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with this site, including without limitation any use of and/or any inability to use this site, for any cause of action of any kind (including tort, contract, negligence or strict liability). The foregoing shall apply even if The Purer Insurer, or a duly-authorized representative thereof, has been advised of the possibility of such damages, claims, losses or expenses. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability and/or certain damages, and the aforementioned exclusion(s) and/or limitation(s) may, therefore, not apply to you. However, the total liability of The Purer Insurer to you for any and all damages, claims, losses or expenses arising out of or in connection with this site shall not, in any event or in any circumstance, exceed the amount paid by you, if any, in order to access this site.

The Purer Insurer shall not be responsible or liable for any computer virus or other contamination of your system. It is your responsibility, and not the responsibility of The Purer Insurer, to scan any downloadable materials received over or from the Internet. By using this site, you accept, at your own risk, that the internet and/or such other online medium as may be applicable may not perform as intended, and that transmission of information online, over the Internet, or via electronic means may be insecure, unstable and/or unreliable.

Any use of this site, and the terms and conditions contained herein, shall be construed and controlled by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, exclusive of its conflicts of laws provisions. By accessing this site, you agree to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions should be determined to be invalid, unenforceable or unlawful, for any reason, the invalid, unenforceable or unlawful provision shall be severable from the provisions remaining, and the provisions not held to be invalid, unenforceable or unlawful shall remain in full force and effect.

Any dispute with respect to this site shall be fully and finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Venue for the arbitration shall be in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Links to external sites may be provided as a convenience to visitors to The Purer Insurer site. The Purer Insurer does not vouch for, warrant, or assure the accuracy, availability, or suitability of any external sites. The Purer Insurer shall not be directly or indirectly liable or responsible in any manner for any loss or damage caused, or allegedly caused, by or in connection with any external site connected by a link to The Purer Insurer site, including without limitation any such site’s use of information and/or terms thereof. A link to any external site does not constitute endorsement of, adoption of, or agreement with the views, products and/or services offered on such sites.

In the event that you purchase products from The Purer Insurer or a third party, that purchase shall be governed and controlled by the terms and conditions of the agreement(s) applicable to that transaction. This site does not amend, modify, or supplement such agreement(s).

The Purer Insurer may, at any time and at The Purer Insurer’s sole discretion, change or modify this site, including without limitation its content and availability, without notice. There is no commitment on the part of The Purer Insurer to update the information contained herein. The Purer Insurer may also change or modify these terms and conditions, and in the event that The Purer Insurer should do so, your use of this site following such change or modification shall constitute your agreement to changed or modified terms and conditions.

The content of this site, including any online calculators and any links to other sites, is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended to supply professional advice of any type, including without limitation any tax, financial, accounting or legal advice. If you have a question that requires such advice, you should consult a qualified professional for a personal consultation.